Student Success Coaching

Student Success Coaching

At HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, the success of our students is our priority. We understand that college can be difficult. Throughout YOUR time at HACC, we’ll be here to support you.

What is Student Success Coaching?
Student Success Coaching goals, include:

  • Providing individualized support to HACC students with an academic standing of either academic probation, or suspension reinstatement.
  • Supporting HACC students who may be struggling academically by ongoing communication and outreach, making informed academic decisions and helping students develop knowledge and skills needed for success at HACC.
  • Sending early alert email notifications
HACC Term/Word Definition
Academic probation (AP)

At the end of each semester, a student whose minimum required cumulative GPA is below 2.0 is placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation can continue to take classes and are encouraged to do so. Students on AP can:

  • Register for up to 13 credits for fall and spring
  • Register for up to seven credits for summer
  • Students on academic probation are not eligible for winter term classes.

This standing is removed only when a student’s cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 or above.

Refer to Academic Probation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for additional information.

Academic standing Student’s GPA determines academic standing of “good standing,” “academic probation” or “academic suspension.”
Academic suspension Student is placed on academic suspension using the below chart and:
  • After a student has earned 13 credits and has attended two semesters.
Minimum Required Cumulative Grade Point Average Cumulative GPA Credit Hour
1.2 12-24
1.4 25-36  
1.6 37-48
1.8 49-60
2.0 61 or more


Refer to Academic Suspension Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for further information.


Students earn credits for successful completion of courses under faculty instruction at the College.

Credits are ultimately a way of equalizing the time spent learning and studying for each college class. After completing the specific course, students earn the corresponding college credits.

Cumulative GPA The overall GPA calculation of all courses at the College.
GPA GPA stands for Grade Point Average. A student’s GPA is calculated each semester based on grades earned from course completion.
Good standing An academic standing of good standing is a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Good standing is a requirement for graduation.
Midterm HACC faculty provide midterm grades. These grades serve as a midpoint check-in and are not calculated into final GPA.
Semester/Term HACC offers the following semesters:
  • Fall (August-December)
  • Winter (December-January)
  • Spring (January-May)
  • Summer (May-August)
A term is the number of weeks a course is offered during a semester. There are various term offerings and can be confirmed on the college calendar including important semester dates during the academic year.
Withdrawal Suspension

At the end of each term, a student who receives a grade of W in 50% or more credits after attempting 30 credit hours is placed on “suspension due to excessive Ws” or Withdrawal Suspension.

Refer to Academic Suspension Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for further information.

Suspension Reinstatement Students placed on academic suspension must complete a suspension reinstatement application. When reinstated, students must earn a semester GPA of 2.0 to continue coursework at the college.
Withdrawal (W)

A student who drops a course within the specified time frame of a semester receives a “W” and a grade is not entered. Before withdrawing from a class, it is important for a student to review options with their faculty, advisor and financial aid.

Withdrawal deadlines can be found here.

Question Answer
What is a success coach? Success coaches work with students who have an academic standing of:
  • Academic Probation
  • Suspension Reinstatement
  • Academic Suspension
  • Or those who have been referred for success support from faculty or staff

Success coaches are not academic advisors but provide valuable resources to personalize a student’s experience at HACC.

Collaboration between a student and success coach:
  • Helps to personalize strategies and solutions
  • Educates a student on available resources to assure they feel confident and in control of their choices as they seek solutions and strategies
When will I be assigned to a success coach? Students who have an academic standing of academic suspension, suspension reinstatement or academic probation, will be assigned to a success coach, along with an assigned advisor.
How can my success coach help me? A success coach can help a student with:
  • Identify personal, social and academic obstacles and areas of growth
  • Determining useful campus resources, like academic advising or tutoring
  • Academic support and help to make important academic decisions
  • Understanding financial aid status in relation to academic standing
  • Constructing an action plan for success
  • Accountability and follow up
If I am assigned to a success coach, how often should I meet with them?

The College recommends that students with an academic standing of academic probation or suspension reinstatement meet at least one time at the start of the semester to understand academic requirements regarding standing and also to set goals.

It is also recommended that students check in at midpoint of the semester.

Students can meet with a success coach throughout a semester at any time for support, ask questions and to stay on track to meet goals. 

I’m not assigned to a success coach but I would definitely benefit from meeting with someone. How do I do that? Any student can email and the College will respond with information or help to schedule an appointment to offer information and next-step planning.

Student success coaching is available for students to understand their academic standing and to continue to stay on their path to success and complete their educational goals at HACC.

A student’s academic standing is determined by cumulative GPA. A cumulative GPA is defined as the overall GPA calculation of all courses at the College.

Student success coaching supports students who have an academic standing of:

  • Academic Probation
  • Suspension Reinstatement
  • Academic Suspension
Question Answer
What is academic standing? All HACC students have an academic standing. At the end of each semester, grade point average (GPA) is calculated to determine satisfactory academic progress.
How do I know my academic standing? Academic standing is listed on a student’s unofficial transcript. Please login to myHACC and select
  • Student
  • Registration/Records
  • Transcript Information/Request
  • View/Print Unofficial Transcript
What are the types of academic standing?

Good standing – Cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher

Academic probation – Cumulative GPA below 2.0
Academic suspension – Occurs after two semesters, when cumulative GPA and credit hours do not meet academic progress

Suspension reinstatement Student is reinstated after suspension and must maintain a 2.0 semester GPA until status is changed to academic probation or good standing

Can my standing be improved to good standing if I am on academic probation or academic suspension?

Absolutely! The student success coaching team is here to help with this.

HACC’s success coaches help students to have a success plan in place to move forward to the end goal of getting a degree or a credential. Retaking courses with F grades and getting Cs or higher in all courses will certainly help to increase overall GPA.

If I am placed on academic suspension, can I return to HACC?

Of course! We hope that you do return.

When suspended, students are required to sit out the following fall or spring term. When a student applies for reinstatement, they will work with a success coach to have a plan in place to return to HACC and continue to move forward to complete classes successfully.

Does my academic standing effect my financial aid standing? Perhaps.
To determine financial aid standing:
  • Connect with financial aid to determine your status
  • Financial aid is determined by completing 67% of classes successfully
The good news is that success coaches work very closely with financial aid and will help you through the process to get back on track academically and with financial aid.
How can I graduate from HACC? A student must have at least a 2.0 GPA to graduate. Please work with a success coach to make sure you are on track for graduation success!


Reinstatement semester request

Last day to submit SR app

  • Did NOT sit out at least one semester
  • Request more than 7 credits

Last day to submit SR app

  • Sat out at least one semester
  • Request up to 7 credits
Fall 2023 Aug. 7, 2023 – For classes beginning Aug. 28
Aug. 21, 2023 – For late start classes Sep. 11
Aug. 14, 2023 – For classes beginning Aug. 28
Aug. 28, 2023 – For late start classes Sep. 11
Spring 2024 Jan. 3, 2024 – For classes beginning Jan. 16
Jan. 8, 2024 – For late start classes beginning Jan. 29
Jan. 8, 2024 – For classes beginning Jan. 16
Jan. 17, 2024 – For late start classes beginning Jan. 29
Summer 2024

April 29, 2024 – For classes beginning May 20

May 22, 2024 – For 2nd summer session beginning June 17

May 6, 2024 – For classes beginning May 20

June 3, 2024 – For classes beginning June 17

Students who have the following academic standings will be invited to join RISE.


  • Academic probation: _____
  • Suspension reinstatement: _____
  • Academic suspension: _____

Students in the RISE program will be:

  • Offered individualized support services, meetings and programs
  • Provided with HACC resources to enhance academic experience
  • Provided with academic and personal goals to stay on the path
  • Expected to maintain academic standards to persist and complete academic success at HACC
  • Offered opportunities to connect with other HACC students

REFOCUS – At HACC, we know that students may have personal or life events which contributed to having difficulty with college. The RISE program will provide a new start a fresh focus for success.

IMPROVE – Following a new plan and using college resources can make for a better college experience and more successful course outcomes.

STRIVE - An academic plan and established goals are essential to a student’s success. Students are provided a new start, and along with determination, students can meet the goals that are in place.

EXCEL – Students are encouraged to do their best, reach for the stars and accomplish the goals they have set for themselves. We look forward to see students move forward to degree completion at HACC!

Question Answer
Who is a part of the RISE Program? Any continuing HACC student with an academic standing of academic probation, suspension reinstatement or academic suspension.
What is required of the RISE Program? Students who are a part of RISE should:
  • Meet with assigned success coach at least two times a semester
  • Attend one live success tutorial or program (in person or Zoom)
What are the goals of the RISE Program? The goals of the RISE program are to:
  • Provide academically struggling students with services and resources to support them to success
  • Establish plan of success to continue moving forward to academic and personal goals
  • Build connections with other HACC students
  • Have individualized support services with success coaches and have a go-to contact at HACC
Why should a student participate with RISE? These interactive and engaging experiences with RISE will provide:
  • A go-to contact with a success coach throughout the semester
  • New learning skills into your academic plan
  • Information about HACC resources
  • Connections with other HACC students
  • An understanding of your academic standing, while making a plan to increase GPA
  • Motivation to stay on the path to success and degree completion
What resources are available to me as part of RISE? The following resources are in place for RISE students:
  • Semester support outreach from success coach via email and text
  • Midterm and end of semester recognition
  • Early alert notifications
  • All HACC services and resources
  • Access to success coach
  • Financial aid process review

Student success continues to be a priority at HACC.

A useful tool in helping students succeed is Navigate, the early alert/academic monitoring system. The early alert program is used mostly by faculty to identify students who are currently in need of extra support and guidance in class with the goal to complete the semester successfully and make informed academic decisions. The Student Success Coaching team reaches out to students to talk about current course status and offer support and resources with the goal for the student to complete their course successfully or make an informed decision about other options and planning forward.

Goals of the Early Alert system, include:

  • Identifying at-risk students
  • Guiding students to identify strategies for achievement
  • Connecting student to college resources
  • Exceling in course completion and educational goals
  • Assisting in removing barriers to student success
  • Striving to be a gateway to educational success
  • Celebrating successful retention and increased GPA
  • Student’s faculty submits an “alert” via Navigate
    • Alerts include:
      • Grade concern
      • Attendance concern
      • Tutoring and coaching referral
  • An email is sent to student explaining the concern from the faculty
  • A member of the Student Success Coaching team is notified of the alert
  • Success coaches reach out to student via phone, email and/or text to offer support and resources for the student to be successful in the course
Question Answer
Who issues an alert in Navigate about a student’s academic performance? In most cases, the student’s faculty member issues the alert.
How do I know if I receive an early alert? A student receives an email to HAWKMail indicating the faculty submitted an alert.
When are alerts usually submitted by faculty? Faculty usually enter alerts at the start of the semester and at the midterm of the semester. However, they can submit an alert at any time when they feel a student could use additional support and resources.

What should a student do when they receive an email early alert?

Sample Early Alert emails

When a student receives an alert email, they can:
Why does a success coach contact me when I get an early alert from my faculty?

The success coach reviews alerts as they are posted from faculty. A success coach reaches out to the student via phone, email and/or text to offer further support and guidance.

The success coach also helps students to make informed decisions about completing the class successfully or determining other options.

Do the alerts count towards my academic standing or record? No. The early alert system is a communication process used in Navigate and does not affect a student’s final grade, academic record or academic standing.

Here are some videos, links and resources to review and use implementing your success toolbox.

Category Links
Academic Standing
Study Skills
Time Management How to Manage your Time Well
College Success How to Succeed in College
Success in HACC Math Courses Math Library Resource Guide
Success in HACC Science Courses


Success in HACC English Courses English Library Resource Guide
HACC’s Online Writing Lab (HOWL)

