HACC Employer Partnership Event Registration (Spring 2024)

To register for an Employer Partnership Event at HACC this spring, please submit the Event Registration Form:


Attention HACC Employer Partners: 

We would like to inform you that starting in the fall of 2024, there will be new cost implementations for employer events. To familiarize yourself with the updated costs, refund procedures, sign-up details, and payment policies, kindly refer to the following links. Your cooperation and understanding in this matter are greatly appreciated. New Cost & Policies 


Employer Services

Welcome, employers, and thank you for visiting Career Development's Employer Services. We work hard to connect students, businesses, and community partners. If you are an employer who has hired a student, please let us know. We would love to hear about your success using College Central Network (CCN); please REPORT YOUR HIRE. If you are an employer looking to register and begin hiring HACC students or alums, please see the first accordion menu below and register on CCN. 


Career Readiness Competencies 

We follow the NACE Career Readiness Competencies in our work that primarily focuses on supporting our students' professional growth and development toward achieving their career-related goals. To review the eight career readiness competencies, please check out the link: What is Career Readiness?

Post a Job

Reasons to Post a Job in College Central Network (CCN)

  • Utilize year-round hiring opportunities without having to come to our campuses.
  • Source candidates from all majors for both internships and full-time positions.
  • Post part-time opportunities for students, volunteers and work-study positions.

Three Easy Steps

  1. Click on “Create Account”
  2. Fill out registration information
  3. Receive approval within 48 hours

Tips to Increase your Applications

  • Complete your Company Profile by clicking “Profile” in the left navigation bar.
  • Students will be able to access this information as part of all your job postings.
  • It will also be available to students who want to learn more about your company’s overview, locations, products and services, key statistics and company culture.
  • Do a “Résumé Search Request” to query our resume database
  • Find students who qualify for your job opening
  • Send them an email asking them to apply.

Access HACC's online job board College Central Network (CCN).

HACC is proud to host Employer Partners during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Employer Spotlights allow you to create awareness about your organization by allowing you to set up where multiple students can see you. A Spotlight is not an event but an opportunity to advertise your company in person. To attract more students to your table, please bring treats or fun games for the students walking by your table. 

Tables are set up in high-traffic areas at any of our five campus locations. This service is offered exclusively to employers with College Central Network (CCN) accounts.

Our five campus locations:

  • Gettysburg
  • Harrisburg
  • Lancaster
  • Lebanon
  • York

There is a registration fee required to reserve your date and time. To reserve your spot, payment must be received at least two weeks prior. Payment details will be sent upon confirmation of the date and time.

Registration Fee: $25


  • one table
  • two chairs
  • access to an electrical outlet (possible but not guaranteed)

Please note that all tables' scheduling depends on the date and space availability. Students' participation is not guaranteed. There will be no refunds for this event. 

Registration Form: To register for an Employer Partnership Event at HACC this spring, please submit the Event Registration Form:

HACC Educational Informational Sessions are a virtual offering for Employer Partners. The virtual events feature presentations given by company representatives covering information about the featured industry, teaching students what to expect when entering the field. Other aspects of the presentation may include general information about the organization, specific details about the representatives' team and/or job type, and types of jobs students can expect to find. Following the session will be a Q&A.

The presentation will be held via Zoom where representatives can share their screens and engage with students through Zoom chat.

There is no registration fee required to reserve your date and time. 

Registration Form: To register for an Employer Partnership Event at HACC this spring, please submit the Event Registration Form


Employer Registration:  To register for an Employer Partnership Event at HACC, please submit the Event Registration Form

Career & Internship Fair Registration Fee: $100

Students should reach out to Career Services or sign into your CCN account for career fair information.

The mentoring program helps students and alumni find mentors for career networking opportunities, as well as gain first-hand experience and valuable insights for career exploration. 

  • Mentors determine how many times they want to be contacted in a month and which experiences and topics they feel comfortable offering.
  • Mentees will have the opportunity to shadow a mentor at their place of employment. 
  • Learn more about our Mentor Program here

Sign up for mentoring!

Please direct your questions to Kathleen Carusone (Dormer), J.D.Internship and Experiential Learning Opportunities Coordinator, at ktcaruso@hacc.edu.




Experiential learning opportunities offer organizations a variety of exciting ways to connect with students at HACC. These opportunities include:

  • Informational interviews
  • Internships
  • Job shadowing
  • Mock interviews
  • Volunteering

Organizations like yours will have an opportunity to market, promote and recruit virtually and eventually on all HACC campuses.

There are multiple ways for your organization to connect with HACC students:

  • Post experiential learning opportunities and internships to our online database
  • Conduct student interviews virtually and eventually on campus
  • Review student résumés

If you are an employer partner who wants to offer experiential learning opportunities and internships to students at HACC, please email Kathleen Dormer Carusone at ktcaruso@hacc.edu.

Successful Recruiting In a Virtual Environment
HACC Career Services Policies and Guidelines

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy
The Career Development Services Unit at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, abides by applicable federal and state EEO laws, regulations, standards and guidelines. Employment information is offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, age (over 40), disability or any other characteristic protected by law. Additionally, the Career Services Unit works in good faith only with those employers who subscribe to EEO guidelines. Furthermore, HACC’s Career Services Unit adheres to the principles set forth by the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) especially with respect to the professional conduct of job seekers, employers, and career centers throughout the recruiting process.

General Policies for Employers
The Career Development Services Unit welcomes opportunities to build strategic community partnerships with external organizations that will benefit everyone. Employers recruiting HACC students and alumni must adhere to the following:

  • Employers must provide a fair and equitable selection of employment opportunities. As an institution that abides by NACE Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals, one of our goals is to afford our students a fair and positive recruitment process. This process allows our students to make informed and responsible decisions about their current experiential learning opportunities and future employment.
  • Pre- and post-COVID recruiters are welcome on campus by invitation or sponsorship by Career Services or another HACC department and are required to observe all campus policies.
  • Employers must comply with HACC’s College Central Network Policy.
  • HACC has a No Solicitation Policy that applies to students and businesses selling to and/or recruiting other students.
  • Recruiters may not enter classrooms to distribute materials or make presentations without prior approval from Career Services and/or the professor of the class they wish to enter.
  • Career Services cannot guarantee audience attendance, classroom visitation opportunities or room availability; however, we will attempt to assist employers to the best of our ability.
  • Career Services reserves the right to edit, delete or refuse any experiential learning opportunity (volunteer, co-op, field experience, internship, or practicum) and/or job posting.

Employer and Job/Internship Posting Approval Policy

  • The following will Not be approved:
    • Registrations that are false, inaccurate, or misleading.
    • Companies that do not have a corporate email address and/or domain.
    • Registrations submitted by non-U.S. employers.
    • “Pyramid” or multi-level marketing structures, dual-marketing structures, or positions requiring and encouraging the recruitment of others or to purchase or rent any sales kit or presentation supplies to sell products or services.
    • Jobs/internships requiring the candidate to pay a participation or training fee.
    • Jobs/internships requiring any form of in-person or online solicitation and/or sales/posting of materials campuswide or in the community.
    • 100% commission positions.
    • Jobs/internships that violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and/or laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
    • Contract positions are paid via 1099 arrangements, where the employee is an independent contractor.
    • Private individuals or families seeking in-home, home-based, or personal services (e.g., babysitting, elder care, tutoring).
      • Solely home-based businesses.
      • Start-up companies that are based out of a residential address. 
      • Internet-based businesses that have a residential business address.
      • Companies that do not have a corporate email address and/or domain
    • Jobs/Internships for political campaigning.
      • Fundraising or canvassing in the community or online.
      • Please note: positions that are politically affiliated committees based out of the Capitol Complex or local legislative district offices will be approved based on experiences related to the legislative process and working with the constituents.
      • Positions that require a candidate to be of a particular political affiliation. 

*Staffing/employment agencies who choose to post a position on CCN must disclose the hiring company’s information. There will also be no access to resume databases.


Student/Alumni Policy
The Career Development Services Unit reviews and examines each posting prior to approving opportunities for students and alumni. However, in its provision of services to students, alumni and recruiters, the Career Development Services Unit makes no representations or guarantees regarding the opportunities listed on its website, bulletin boards, print materials and other resources, and it is not responsible for the wages, safety, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus positions or programs. It is the responsibility of the students and alumni to perform their own due diligence and to take the necessary precautions when communicating with recruiters and employers, interviewing for and accepting any experiential learning opportunities (co-ops, field experiences, internships, practicums), volunteer activities, placement in another higher education institution or part-time/full-time employment.

College Central Network Policy
By registering, posting, and/or otherwise utilizing HACC’s Career Services Platform, students, alumni and others are agreeing to allow their personal and professional information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, degree, etc.) to be accessed by HACC’s Career Development Services Unit and approved employers seeking candidates for experiential learning opportunities to include any workplace experiences in addition to co-ops, field experiences, internships and practicums, and part-time/full-time employment positions. All users should review the College Central Network privacy policy and all policies under their profile to understand their selections and the impact of their privacy settings.

Student Privacy Policy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Under this law, the student is required to submit written permission to allow the release of educational records to any individual or third-party agency.

Please note: The HACC Career Services Unit reserves the right to update all policies at any time.
