Dropping, Adding or Withdrawing

Learn about how to drop, add and withdraw from classes.

When is the deadline to register or add a class? 

The deadline to register or add a class is the day before the class begins.

If you attempt to register for a course that has already started, you will receive a Late Registration error.

You will need the instructor's permission to register after the deadline. HACC encourages instructors to permit late registrations for students who demonstrate a reasonable chance of success.

How do I officially withdraw from my courses?

If you are unable to attend courses for the semester, you may officially withdraw from the college either online through myHACC or by submitting a Drop/Add/Withdrawal form to the campus Welcome Center.

When can I drop a course?

The last day to drop a course will vary based on the start and end dates of your course. Review the deadlines to drop courses.


When is my drop effective?

Drops are effective the date you initiate the drop online. Drop requests submitted on a paper form are processed with an effective based on the date your completed Drop/Add/Withdrawal form (pdf) is received in the Welcome Center. HACC requires instructor approval (signature and grade) after the refund deadline.


What happens to my financial aid if I drop or withdraw from the college?

Your financial aid eligibility is directly proportionate to the amount of time you are enrolled.

Many students receive federal financial aid and drop/withdrawal. You may:

  • Get less financial aid. Your financial aid provider will recalculate your amount based on your last date of attendance. 
  • Be liable for the debt incurred.
  • Not be eligible for future financial aid. 
  • You may also be eligible for a lesser amount of aid.

Please contact your campus's Financial Aid Office for more details.


How do I drop or withdraw if I have veterans education benefits?

Veterans Education Benefits include GI Bill, Education Assistance Program (EAP) or Federal Tuition Assistance. If you receive Veterans Education Benefits, you must notify the Military and Veterans Affairs Office (MVAO) prior to withdrawing/dropping. You may need to drop/withdrawal due to an active duty order. You must bring a copy of your orders to the MVAO.

Please note: Dropping/withdrawing may affect your Veterans Education benefits.


How will my health insurance be affected if I drop or withdraw?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act allows you to remain covered under your parents' insurance until age 26 —unless you have access to employer-based insurance. Learn more about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (pdf).


Will my health career program clinical candidacy be affected?

Withdrawing from courses (as well as getting a D or F grade) may negatively affect your clinical candidacy. See your advisor for more information.


When and how can I drop or withdraw?

Please view the timelines for dropping or withdrawing from courses.



Add Classes 


Drop Classes 



In-Person/Mail/Fax (pdf)



In-Person/ Mail/Fax (pdf)

Prior to the part of term start date






During the full refund period

Yes, with instructor approval




During the half refund period






After half refund period






During finals week






Refer to the Add and Drop Deadlines for specific dates for the parts of term.
