Clery Act & Compliance Information

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and its amendments is a federal law which sets forth a number of requirements for Title IV participating institutions. Among those requirements is the annual publication of a security report. 

Download the Current Annual Security Report (pdf). Visit your campus Safety and Security office or Welcome Center to obtain a free print copy upon request. 


What is the Annual Security Report?

 The annual report must:

  • Be published no later than October 1st of the calendar year.
  • Outline policies related to campus security and emergency response.
  • Contain information about the rights guaranteed to victims of rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
  • Disclose statistics for certain crimes reported to the institution's Department of Public Safety and Security and Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) for the most recent three-year period.  The Clery defined crime categories are:
    • Criminal Homicide
      • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
      • Negligent manslaughter
      • Rape (UCR Definition)
      • Sexual Offenses (NIBRS Definition)
        • Fondling
        • Incest
        • Statutory Rape
      • Robbery
      • Aggravated assault
      • Burglary (forcible, non forcible, and attempts)
      • Motor Vehicle Theft
      • Arson
  • Disclose violations of local or state drug, alcohol, and weapons laws. This includes only violations that were referred to student judicial affairs for college disciplinary action or a law enforcement agency that resulted in the arrest of the offender. In cases where both an arrest and referral are made, only the arrest is counted.
  • Disclose hate crimes reported by type of bias to include race, gender, gender identity,gender expression, religion, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. Hate crimes encompass any of the Clery Act crimes and also includes the following additional crime categories when evidence exists that they were bias motivated:
    • Larceny/theft
    • Simple assault
    • Intimidation
    • Vandalism/property destruction
  • Disclose crimes defined in the 2013 Violence Against Women Act reauthorization amendments to the Clery Act:
    • Dating violence
    • Domestic violence
    • Stalking

The report must include crimes that occur in or on any:

  • Campus Property owned or controlled by HACC.
  • Public property immediately adjacent to and accessible to a campus
  • Non-campus properties owned or controlled by HACC.
  • Residential Facilities (HACC has no residential facilities).


Maintain a publicly available crime log

This log lists all known crimes occurring by the "nature, date, time, and general location of each crime" including the disposition of the crime, if known. Known crimes must be entered into the log within two business days. The log for each campus location may be viewed immediately upon request for items recorded within the previous 60 days. For entries older than 60 days, the log must be made available within two business days. To view the log, inquire at a campus security office.

Issue timely warnings about Clery Act crimes which pose a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community

In the event that the Department of Public Safety and Security receives a credible report of a serious crime or other safety concern which may present an ongoing threat to members of the College community on any HACC campus, HACCowned or controlled property or any portion thereof, or within its immediate vicinity, an alert will be issued to the College community. Possible methods of notification are employee and student HAWK email systems, e2Campus alerts, campus electronic signage, the posting of bulletins, the HACC main Department of Public Safety and Security web site at, direct personal notification and campus student media publications. Methods of notification are selected by the Executive Director of Public Safety and Security or designee to best fit the nature of any given threat. Local and state police agencies will also be advised of any potential risk. By law, no information which may identify a crime victim may be included in Timely Warning notices.


Produce policies for emergency response, emergency notification to the campus community, and conduct emergency procedures testing on a regular basis.

HACC maintains a comprehensive emergency response and testing program which includes procedures for immediate notification via multiple modalities. One or more of these procedures is tested at least once per calendar year. The emergency procedures are distributed in conjunction with this test to the college community. Additional information about emergency response and notification may be found here and in the emergency procedures section of the Annual Security Report (ASR).

Does HACC comply with any Pennsylvania acts? 

We compile this publication annually in compliance with the:

  • College and University Security Information Act
  • Uniform Crime Reporting Act

The report must contain:

  • Uniform Crime Report statistics as submitted to the Pennsylvania State Police Uniform Crime Reporting System that occur on and around HACC's campuses. 
  • Crime rates calculated per 100,000 individuals.
  • Policy disclosures mandated under these acts.

We calculate crime rates as required by Commonwealth law. The rates are on a campus-by-campus basis for each crime category. We express the crime rates based on a theoretical population of 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) students and employees.

These disclosures include crimes not reportable under the Clery Act.

How do I file a complaint? 

If you believe HACC has failed to comply with the requirements of PACUSIA/UCR, file a complaint with:

Executive Director of Public Safety and Security 
Whitaker Hall, room 131 
One HACC Drive 
Harrisburg, PA 17110 
From campus phones, ext. 212620.

Contact the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General if you feel that your complaint has not been resolved. 

How can I get a copy of the report?

We publish this report annually no later than Oct. 1.

It is available free-of-charge to the public. Notification of availability is provided to:

  • HACC students
  • Prospective students
  • Employees
  • Prospective employees
Megan’s Law\Sex Offender Registries

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires all individuals convicted of sexual offenses in Pennsylvania to register their address of residence and place of employment or study with the Pennsylvania State Police.   This information is made available via the Internet so that the public may be aware when an offender is present in their community. For more information about the Pennsylvania Megan’s Law or to view the offender database, visit U.S. Department of Justice maintains a national registry of sex offenders compiled from each state’s registry. This database is accessible online at

Privacy notice:
The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not extend to information contained in sex offender registries. Members of the college community who have been convicted of a past sex offense will be listed on these registries. This information may not be used for the purposes of harassment of or retaliation against any listed person. Misuse of the information contained in sex offender registries may expose the violator to criminal prosecution and college disciplinary action.
